I am quite new at variant calling and today I recived a giant tsv file with variant calls (SNPs and IDELs). Inside the file I have been checking the meaning of each columns.
Nevertheless I am having some issues at finding a refference documentation to look at the meaning of the gnomad columns as I have columns. Can somebody provide me with some reference texts/articles/documentation to look for the exact meaning of this columns ?
I have things like: gnomad41_exome_AF, gnomad41_exome_AF_raw I imagine it is the exome allele frequency in general, as no etnicity is specified, and it is from the version 4.1 but I'd need more info to know which is the difference from raw to the "normal one". Or also the calculus that generates the "gnomad41_exome_faf95", "gnomad41_exome_faf99", "gnomad41_exome_fafmax_faf95_max", "gnomad41_exome_fafmax_faf99_max" columns.
Thank you in advance !
first, you should ask the person who generated this file .