When evaluating my ChIP-seq signal across a set of regions, the heatmap metaplot suggests that my signal may have at least 3 distinct profiles of enrichment (a single peak, a bimodal peak, and no enrichment) as indicated by the image below. I would like to derive at least 3 clusters of regions based on the signal profiles, but when using kmean=3 in deeptools plotProfile, I feel like the algorithm does not quite seem to capture the differences in signal profiles but rather the overal mean signal across all bins in a region (not sure if this is how deeptools works, but just a guess based on what I have seen on my data). Do you have any recommendations on what tool(s) to use to better cluster these regions?
Take a look at https://github.com/jokergoo/ComplexHeatmap/issues/57 I am writing a long blog post for all things related to ChIPseq heatmap.