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5 weeks ago
Hi, I have some questions while studying Genome assembly.
Here's the dataset list I got : (1) NCBI mitochondrial reference genome (2) PacBio HiFi based contig-level assembly (my data) (3) Illumina short read (same sample with contig-level assembly data
I want to exclude overlapped mitochondrial contigs or noise using BLASTn.
I already run the blast with the following commands :
makeblastdb -in ${FASTA} -input_type fasta -dbtype nucl -out ${PREFIX} blastn -query ${QRY} -task megablast -db ${PREFIX} -out ${QRY_PREFIX}_${PREFIX}.blast -outfmt 6 -num_threads 40
And then what should I do next? Also, I want to know the criteria for Filtering
thank you,