it is very similar to the SAM file format in that you can have "extra information" about the alignment in those key-value pairs. sometimes they are referred to as tags (e.g. in this document "SAM tags" the same type of info can be added to PAF.
here is an example of a PAF line
ctgA 45141 0 45141 + ctgA 50001 0 50001 45141 50001 60 NM:i:4860 ms:i:90254 AS:i:85398 nn:i:0 tp:A:P cm:i:8494 s1:i:44546 s2:i:0 de:f:0.0000 rl:i:0 cg:Z:28498M4860D16643M
the cg tag is a "CIGAR" string, and various others are just what minimap2 generates by default in the PAF output.
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