Hi all, I am having an issue accessing the Ovis Aries gene annotation data. For years, I have used the following code without issue:
ensembl <- useDataset(dataset = "oaries_gene_ensembl", mart = useEnsembl(biomart = "genes"))
Now I am receiving the following error message:
Error in checkDataset(dataset = dataset, mart = mart) : The given dataset: oaries_gene_ensembl , is not valid. Correct dataset names can be obtained with the listDatasets() function.
When I search using listDatasets() as suggested, the ovis aries genome indeed isn't listed, but the sheep genome is still an option to query on the Ensembl website. I have sorted out a workaround with the following:
ensembl <- useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="oaries_gene_ensembl", host = "https://may2024.archive.ensembl.org")
But curious if anyone has any idea why I can no longer access the ovis aries genome without querying an archived ensembl.org
Hi Louisse, Do you mind updating on this thread when the issue has been addressed? Thanks!
Hi, I have the same problem with Scophthalmus maximus and Sparus aurata species. The problem with the last update was that when using useMart or getBM, these species did not appear to exist, but in previous versions they did.
I hope this will be fixed soon.