Entering edit mode
4 months ago
Hi Reader,
I am using SPAdes 4.0.0
to assemble some fungal genomes from Illumina short read PE150 data.
My data is at 100x coverage. and i used the following command to run spades
spades.py -k 21 33 55 77 99 111 127 --isolate -1 ILL01_trim_1.fq.gz -2 ILL01_trim_2.fq.gz -t 48 -o ./ILL01/
the log file of assembly looks like this at start
System information:
SPAdes version: 4.0.0
Python version: 3.13.0
OS: Linux-4.18.0-425.13.1.el8_7.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.28
Output dir: /vast/ti78qem/assemblies/spades_assembly/ILL01
Mode: ONLY assembling (without read error correction)
Debug mode is turned OFF
Dataset parameters:
Isolate mode
Library number: 1, library type: paired-end
orientation: fr
left reads: ['/4.ill_trimmed_data/ILL01/ILL01_trim_1.fq.gz']
right reads: ['/4.ill_trimmed_data/ILL01/ILL01_trim_2.fq.gz']
interlaced reads: not specified
single reads: not specified
merged reads: not specified
Assembly parameters:
k: [21, 33, 55, 77, 99, 111, 127]
Repeat resolution is enabled
Mismatch careful mode is turned OFF
MismatchCorrector will be SKIPPED
Coverage cutoff is turned OFF
Assembly graph output will use GFA v1.2 format
Other parameters:
Dir for temp files: /spades_assembly/ILL01/tmp
Threads: 48
Memory limit (in Gb): 250
My concern is about the line Mode: ONLY assembling (without read error correction)
Isn't this the default behavior of Spades to perform read-error-correction then assamble the reads ?
Another question: At 100x coverage, is it recomended to perform read-errror-correction or not from assaembling the genome ?
thank you.
I assume this is a similar issue to this post. The
flag expects high coverage and quality input data that may not require error correction, so I believe this step is skipped when using this flag. Try removing it and seeing what happens.