I am working on RANGER-DTL to see some horizontal gene transfer events.
I downloaded the linux file of RANGER from their website, and I did the following command
./OptRoot.linux -i group_1.newick -D 3 -T 4 -o outcome.txt
and i got
Input file: group_1.newick
Output file: outcome.txt
Duplication cost: 3, Transfer cost: 4, Loss cost: 1
Random seed: 23871
ERROR: missing ')' in input tree expression line 1 column 66
it seems like my newick files are okay after I saw them through a website tree viewer, the website was able to construct trees out of it.
could anyone please help me solve this prob?
Hi @seok1213neo . Were you able to find a solution for this? I am facing the same issue with RangerDTL with version 2.0. The gene and species trees seem to be fine. The previous versions had issues with special characters in the tip names. But that should be resolved in the latest version. However, I have removed all the special characters from my trees and still facing the same problem. Please update if you have found a way to solve this! Thanks GM