I don't understand this warning when I calculate the TMM factors. Is it going to affect downstream analysis?
corrected = pycombat_seq(counts, sampleinfo['Sample.supplying.institution'])
corrected=pd.DataFrame(corrected, columns=Samples, index=genes_in_counts['ensembl_gene_id'])
norm_factors= tmm_norm_factors(corrected)
cpm = conorm.cpm(corrected, norm_factors=norm_factors)
WARNING:py.warnings:<ipython-input-39-d0d30050dc7b>:1: DeprecationWarning: the `interpolation=` argument to
nanquantile was renamed to `method=`, which has additional options.
Users of the modes 'nearest', 'lower', 'higher', or 'midpoint' are encouraged to review the method they used.
(Deprecated NumPy 1.22)
norm_factors= tmm_norm_factors(corrected)