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5 weeks ago
Hi everyone !
I'm analyzing bulk RNAseq paired-end, this is my workflow for now:
- fastp for QC and trimming
- STAR for alignment to the genome (with
--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM
) - samtools to sort by coordinates and index the transcriptome.bam file generated by STAR
- umi tools to deduplicate the umi
- samtools collate to randomize the reads for salmon
- Salmon to quantify
My question was about the transcriptome.fa file that I should give to Salmon as I mapped with STAR to the genome. Should I use the one from cDNA on Ensembl ? Or should I use gffread on the same genome fasta I used for my Star alignment and then use this generated transcriptome fasta for salmon ?
Thanks in advance !
It seems that it might be a little bit troublesome to go down the route you want to go trough. From the Salmon documentation:
You mapped against the genome so they give you three options or either remap the whole thing to a transcriptome fasta.