How to filter and keep longest isoform per gene in gff3 file ?
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3 months ago
Sony ▴ 20

Hi everyone,

I am doing genome annotation for Oryza sativa by following the MAKER annotation pipeline. In the configuration file of maker pipeline, I turn on "alternative splicing". here is my final gff3 file (combined homology-based cDNA EST evidence and Ab initio prediction: snap, Augustus):

head maker_annotation05.gff
##gff-version 3
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   gene    39      122     .       -       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1;Name=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   mRNA    39      122     .       -       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1;Name=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1;_AED=0.28;_eAED=0.28;_QI=0|-1|0|1|-1|0|1|0|28;score=27.91839
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   exon    39      122     .       -       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1:1;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   CDS     39      122     .       -       0       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1:cds;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.1-mRNA-1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   gene    316     1137    .       +       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1;Name=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   mRNA    316     1137    .       +       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1;Name=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1;_AED=0.30;_eAED=0.30;_QI=0|0|0|0.33|0|0|3|0|182
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   exon    316     594     .       +       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1:1;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   exon    790     970     .       +       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1:2;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1
Oj_ERR3890993_253       maker   exon    1049    1137    .       +       .       ID=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1:3;Parent=maker-Oj_ERR3890993_253-augustus-gene-0.1-mRNA-1

cat ../maker_annotation05.gff | grep -v "^#" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr 394975 CDS 243395 exon 83406 mRNA 48897 three_prime_UTR 41785 five_prime_UTR 36786 gene

I want to keep only the longest isoform for each gene in my gff3 file . I have tried with some script from chat_GPT, but the results are inconsistent: after filtering, the number of gene is not equal to the number of mRNA. Does any one know how to do that ? Many Thanks,

gff isoform maker annotation • 538 views
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3 months ago

Perhaps this can help:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pandas as pd
i_fn = sys.argv[1]
if not i_fn:
raise Exception("Error: Missing input file")
df = pd.read_csv(i_fn, delimiter='\t', header=None, comment='#')
df.columns = ['seqid',
transcript_ids = []
longest_isoform = {}
transcript_id_to_gene_id = {}
for index, row in df.iterrows():
attrs = {a_kv[0]:a_kv[1] for a_kv in [a_kvs.split('=') for a_kvs in row['attributes'].split(';')]}
transcript_id = attrs['transcript_id'] if 'transcript_id' in attrs else None
ensg_id = attrs['gene_id'] if 'gene_id' in attrs else None
if not transcript_id or not ensg_id: continue
if row['type'] == 'transcript':
txLength = int(row['end']) - int(row['start'])
if ensg_id not in longest_isoform:
longest_isoform[ensg_id] = {'row': row, 'txLength': txLength, 'transcript_id': transcript_id}
transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id] = ensg_id
elif longest_isoform[ensg_id]['txLength'] < txLength:
transcript_id_to_filter = longest_isoform[ensg_id]['transcript_id']
idx_to_replace = transcript_ids.index(longest_isoform[ensg_id]['transcript_id'])
transcript_ids[idx_to_replace] = transcript_id
longest_isoform[ensg_id] = {'row': row, 'txLength': txLength, 'transcript_id': transcript_id}
transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id] = ensg_id
for transcript_id in transcript_ids:
gene_id = transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id]
for column in df.columns:
print(longest_isoform[gene_id]['row'][column], end="\t")

Usage example:

$ wget -qO- "" | gunzip -c > gencode.v19.annotation.gff3
$ ./ gencode.v19.annotation.gff3 | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > gencode.v19.annotation.longestIsoform.gff3
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3 months ago
Juke34 9.1k

If you talk about longest in term of isoform with the longest CDS a common way is to use AGAT -gff file.gff  -o outfile 

Here is the doc:

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Many thanks for your help, It's work with my data


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