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13 days ago
Performed alignment with Bowtie2 using
bowtie2 -p 4 -x ~/shared/NGS/P4/genome/bowtie2_ind/ bowtie2_ind -1 /mnt/shared/NGS/P4/control/SRR30712601_1.fastq.gz -2 /mnt/shared/NGS/P4/control/SRR30712601_2.fastq.gz -S aligned_SRR30712601.sam
Sam to Bam using
samtools view -bS results/aligned_SRR30712601.sam -o results/aligned_SRR30712601.sorted.bam
samtools sort results/aligned_SRR30712601.sorted.bam -o results/aligned_aligned_SRR30712601.sorted.bam
samtools index results/aligned_aligned_SRR30712601.sorted.bam
Then featureCounts was run using
featureCounts -a ~/shared/NGS/P4/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.108.gtf \
-o aligned_SRR30712601_counts.txt \
-T 4 \
-p \
This .txt file has multiple entries in the same rows in chr, start, end columns.
Is this normal? Can I just calculate TPM, FPKM or RPKM ?