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6 weeks ago
i use this command to give gene names in my bed file
bed_annotation INPUT.bed -g hg38 -o OUTPUT.bed
the link of website is here : https://github.com/vladsavelyev/bed_annotation ant this is the output
chr1 29225 29244 WASH7P - 4|CCTC
chr1 29747 29778 MIR1302-2 1 + 5|CCCCG
chr1 30855 30963 MIR1302-2 + 2|CT
chr1 32678 32692 . . 5|CCTGA
chr1 32863 32873 . . 5|GAAGG
chr1 33988 33999 . . 6|CATGTG
chr1 34932 34940 FAM138A 3 - 3|CTG
chr1 34939 34945 FAM138A 3 - 3|TGA
chr1 34966 34977 FAM138A 3 - 4|CAGG
chr1 36862 36873 . . 6|GGGGTG
chr1 36975 36986 . . 4|TGCG
now for the remaning regions i want to do annotate with intergenic regions. so, i created intergenic file using
gunzip -c gencode/gencode.v43.annotation.sort.gtf.gz | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t";} $3=="gene" {print $1,$4-1,$5}' |bedtools sort -g hg38.genome | bedtools complement -i stdin -g hg38.genome | gzip > my_intergenic.bed.gz
chr1 0 11868
chr1 31109 34553
chr1 36081 52472
chr1 53312 57597
chr1 64116 65418
it looks like this is my output correct? also i want to define these regions like any labelling any suggestion what can be done? Thank You
hi Muhammad
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