Dear all,
there are still a few seats available for the online course on Longitudinal Data Analysis in R.
When: December 16th-19th
Course website:
This course covers methods and challenges in analyzing longitudinal data. It explores techniques for visualizing, analyzing, and modeling data collected over time or space. We will start by introducing the general concepts and approaches to deal with longitudinal data; we will then explore applications to specific scientific domains where longitudinal data are common: forecasting, epidemiology, gene expression.
Monday– Classes from 2-8 PM Berlin time
Longitudinal data: examples and challenges
The classical statistical perspective
Models to analyse data with repeated records over time (multiple time points) and space (multiple locations)
Tuesday– Classes from 2-8 PM Berlin time
The machine-learning perspective: Deep Learning and Transformer Models for the analysis of sequence data "NEW"
Cross-validation with temporal and spatial data structures
Wednesday– Classes from 2-8 PM Berlin time
A primer on longitudinal data in epidemiology: times series of disease incidence/prevalence, survival analysis)
Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) analysis of variance for longitudinal data, their limits, and how to improve the analysis
Mixed-effect regression model (MRM) vs. generalised estimating equation (GEE) models. Analysis of residuals and model diagnostics.
Quantifications of covariation between measurement: cross-sectional (inter-individual) vs. longitudinal (intra-individual)
Thursday– Classes from 2-8 PM Berlin time
- Multi-omics analysis: a study in interpretability on HeLa Cell Cycling for integration of mRNA, Translation Data and Proteomics
Final recap quiz
Discussing your own research problems and wrap-up discussion
For the full list of our courses and workshops, please visit: