How to insert an image into a post in Biostars? There is a image icon above. BTW, how to display codes tidily (like markdown but not html)? I cannot find a readme or manual or else about it in Biostars. Thank you.
How to insert an image into a post in Biostars? There is a image icon above. BTW, how to display codes tidily (like markdown but not html)? I cannot find a readme or manual or else about it in Biostars. Thank you.
I wrote an entire post on this topic. See: How to add images to a Biostars post
I think this should arguably be the "accepted" answer - I have used this tutorial several times:
A: How to add images to a Biostars post
However, "thank you" everybody for your contributions :)
You need to have an image hosted on a different website such as imgur then click on the Image icon between the Anchor (flag icon) and Table (boxes icon). Markdown is not yet supported but will be rolled out eventually, its been added to the new version of biostars:
BioStars uses a subset of CommonMark, there is a list of commands here.
blocks of code enclosing the code with three back-ticks do not work
three back-ticks turn out the same as one back-tick, for inline code
# But blocks of code with four spaces preceding do:
print "\n";
A numbered list:
_italic_ __bold__ (display correctly on preview, but not when posted)
italic again bold again
An horizontal rule
An unordered list
One thing which didn't work is formatting a numbered list with parentheses:
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
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Sorry! I did totally post to the wrong thread
Did you post in a wrong thread?
Please see the guide on how to post images the right way. Thank you!
I have same question, Kindly any here provide more
Please be precise, what of the solutions here does not work? Where do you get stuck?