I have a seurat
object, I am trying to find out marker gene and plot heatmap.
markers <- FindAllMarkers(seurat.data, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.5)
avg_expr <- AverageExpression(seurat.data, assays = "SCT")$SCT
And I find some markers genes not in avg_expr
sum(!rowname(markers) %in% rownames(avg_expr))
[1] 9949
and then, I found their are to SCT data in seurat object with different dimensions
GetAssayData(seurat.data, slot = "scale.data", assay = "SCT") %>% dim()
[1] 22027 11089
GetAssayData(seurat.data, slot = "data", assay = "SCT") %>% dim()
[1] 26367 11089
I'm a little confused about this difference.
Thank you for your patient explanation, but what I still don't quite understand is why some genes in the results of
do not exist inSCT
. In fact, I have tried to search for other assays, such asRNA
, but I can't find these genes.