Hey Everyone. I want to perform a metagenomic project. I have paired end data in fastq format. I checked forums and many other blogs including this one. Merging paired end data should be done before quality controls (Trimming, Adaptor removing, Chimera removing) or after?
I even asked this question to chatGPT but it gave me skeptical answers. It told me to do merging after the quality filtering but before chimera removing.
In a forum (link : https://drive5.com/usearch/manual/pipe_readprep_merge.html) it says do merging before quality filtering.
In addition i will use Kraken2 for this job and i know Kraken2 can deal with paired end reads but it just stucked in my head. Which order is best for these steps:
x - Quality improving (Removing low quality(phread) score reads) x - Chimera Removing x - Paired end data merging x - Adaptor removing
Thank you very much sir. I will look at the article you sent.
I got adaptor sequences from the data's article so I will be only removing them to move on.