When setting the pvalueCutoff (0.01) for any of the enrich functions in clusterprofiler/DOSE the resulting object sitll contains results that have a p value >0.01 all the way up to 1.00! The same is also true for qvalueCutoff.
cnet <- enrichKEGG(cnet_list,
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
pAdjustMethod = 'BH',
minGSSize = 10)
cnet_desc <- cnet@result[order(cnet@result$pvalue, decreasing = TRUE), ]
Note that I have removed multiple columns in cnet_desc to show the issues
GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue
105/5239 298/8840 1 1 0.5525544
82/5239 368/8840 1 1 0.5525544
28/5239 453/8840 1 1 0.5525544
15/5239 73/8840 1 1 0.5525544
127/5239 312/8840 1 1 0.5525544
15/5239 71/8840 1 1 0.5525544
This is seriously impacting my analysis and I'm not sure how to fix it. Any help or suggesting would be appreciated!