I'm trying to run airrflow on some data from the SRA. My problem is my airrflow runs die immediately, complaining that I must supply the library_generation_method
parameter and I can't find that info attached to this data anywhere. The "library" value in the SRA Run Selector for this experiment isn't helpful either. Maybe this stuff is common knowledge in the immunology community and I'm out of the loop.
Without finding an a publication for the associated study, I assume I should use specific_pcr
for that parameter. However, that requires also specifying the primers used. My next move is googling until I find all B cell isotypes and what nucleotides make their CH7 domain, and generating my own primers from that.
BUT, my initial assumption could be wrong. So I ask you all, is such assumption reasonable? Is it possible to figure out what library generation was used? Is there an easier/faster way to get these primers?
Thank you
Experiment page for this submission --> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX9255352
has the following description
Thanks for the reply. However, I already looked at all the associated data with ( experiment, bioproject, biosample ) and did not find the answer I'm looking for. I bolded the parts of the original post that I'm really trying to get help for.
You could try writing to the submitter and ask for that information? Simply googling may not give you exact info.
EDIT: I found the submitter buried in the related BioSample submissions. All other places just say "Seoul National University".
Thank you for your time and input. I appreciate that you tried to help answer my questions.