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14 days ago
Hi all,
I have a data frame with two columns representing one to many relationship values. Here is a snippet to generate the data as I have it:
get_genes <- function(i) paste0(sample(LETTERS[6:15], sample(3:7, 1), replace=TRUE)
, collapse = ";")
dummy_data <- data.frame(X1 = sample(LETTERS[1:5])
, X2 = sapply(1:5, get_genes)
Which would produce a dataframe similar to this:
X1 X2
1 E L;M;G
2 B J;K;O
3 C K;O;F
4 D F;N;G;M
5 A N;M
I need to transform that dataframe into an adjacency matrix like the example below. I have no idea how to go about it, though. I have played around with reshape2, but I can't find the right way to get what I need. Any solution will be greatly appreciated.
X1 X2
1 E L
2 E M
3 E G
4 B J
5 B K
6 B O
7 C K
8 C O
9 C F
10 D F
11 D N
12 D G
13 D M
14 A N
15 A M