I am trying to retrieve some data from KEGG using API through KEGGREST. One of this data is gene hsa:79154 which is dehydrogenase/reductase 11. When I try to get the linked data to this gene through keggLink(), I found that it is not linked to any compounds despite of producing C18075 [hydroxytestosterone] on the browser. If you open kegg pathway and search for pathway hsa00140:Steroid hormone biosynthesis and check enzyme as shown in the following figure, just move the mouse on this enzyme, you will find that hsa:79154 is among the genes [3292(HSD17B1), 3294(HSD17B2), 51144(HSD17B12), 51478(HSD17B7), 79154(DHRS11), 7923(HSD17B8), 8630(HSD17B6)] that produce C18075.
When I use keggLink for all of the previous genes, I found that they are linked to compound C18075 except hsa:79154.
Could you help me to understand, why this happens?
Why in the browser the hsa:79154 produces the C18075 and in the data of keggLink,there is not linking between them?