Hi all,
I am running DEA using limma. I have 4 groups (for simplicity A, B, C and healthy (H)). Where my metadata is 'metdata' and I have a column Group for that information and my expression matrix is DA. The idea is to run DEA by comparing: A vs H, B+C vs H and A vs B+C.
Now my question is, should I combine B+C in me model as follow:
design <- model.matrix( ~0 + Groups + Age + Gender, metadata)
abundancesWeighted <- voom(DA, design)
model <- lmFit(abundancesWeighted, design)
model <- contrasts.fit(model, makeContrasts(contrasts = '(GroupB+GroupC)/2-GroupH' levels = design))
model <- eBayes(model)
results <- topTable(model, coef ='(GroupB+GroupC)/2-GroupH' , number = Inf)
Or is better if I modify the metadata by create a new group: GroupMerged in which I only have A, B_C and H and then I run:
design <- model.matrix( ~0 + Groups + Age + Gender, metadata)
abundancesWeighted <- voom(DA, design)
model <- lmFit(abundancesWeighted, design)
model <- contrasts.fit(model, makeContrasts(contrasts = 'GroupB_C-GroupH' levels = design))
model <- eBayes(model)
results <- topTable(model, coef ='GroupB_C-GroupH' , number = Inf)
It seems both approaches are correct, but I want to know if anyone has an stronger opinion about this
Thank you!
This is a great answer and exactly what I needed :) thank you very much