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3 days ago
I was trying to filter variants in my VCF file based on multiple conditions using filter_vep
, specifically focusing on the EAS_AF
and gnomADe_EAS_AF
values. However, I encountered a strange behavior where, regardless of whether I included the filter:
--filter "EAS_AF < 0.01 and gnomADe_EAS_AF < 0.1"
, the resulting filtered VCF file still contained variants that did not meet these thresholds for EAS_AF
and gnomADe_EAS_AF
. Here’s the exact command I used:
filter_vep \
-i $vep_annotation_dir/PIJX2024027.vep.vcf.gz \
--format vcf \
--gz \
-o $vep_annotation_dir/PIJX2024027.filtered.new.vcf \
--only_matched \
--filter "EAS_AF < 0.01 or gnomADe_EAS_AF < 0.1" \
--filter "IMPACT is High or IMPACT is MODERATE" \
--filter "SIFT is deleterious" \
--filter "PolyPhen is probably_damaging" \