Hi Biostars,
I need to make a .gaf file for GO analysis. The genome I must use is an annoying one, https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/002/915/635/GCA_002915635.3_AmbMex60DD/
There is a .gaf file for a hybrid axolotl / tiger salamander, but I really need this for the AmbMex60DD assembly. Can anyone advise?
According to NCBI, that genome isn't annotated. Where did you get the transcriptome? Unless you want to do the GO annotations yourself, you might be better off either using the annotated UKY_AmexF1_1 assembly, or use an orthology based approach to assign GO terms.
The issue with 'UKY_AmexF1_1' is it's a hybrid. Are there any tools you're aware of for the orthology based approach?
The transcriptome annotations are available from; https://www.axolotl-omics.org/assemblies
To my knowledge there aren't tools specifically for orthology based GO enrichment analyses. But it would look something like this:
to map orthologs between your assembly and one with well annotated GO terms.gProfiler2
are good for non-model systems.You can also annotate the published transcriptome with GO terms. This usually isn't that painful to do if you have access to a good computing resource. You then wouldn't have to deal with considerations about mapping rates and many-to-1 or many-to-many orthology assignments that could cloud your results.