Dear all,
I am trying to analyze the expression levels of viral genes (let's call them A, B, and C) in two different HEK293 cell lines (cell line 1 and 2) after transfection. After extracting the read counts with htseq-count and generating a count matrix, I used DESeq2. However, although read counts are high and consistent among replicates, DESeq does not identify as being differentially regulated. Of course, that is absolutely possible, but I want to check if I am missing something here. DESeq2 indicates a log2FC of ~2 (which seems correct), with an adj. p-value of ~0.19.
Based on this post at Bioconductor, which kind of went into the same direction, I also tried edgeR robust. This has led to the same result essentially (so at least results are robust hehe).
Current version of DESeq2 is 1.42.1, that of edgeR is 4.0.16
Any insights are much appreciated! I also would be happy to share further info, if necessary.
Thank you very much
To add to this, this is my DESeq2 script I am following:
This is the output, filtered for the respective genes:
My guess is that data are so variable that variance is super high. Can you show plotPCA? You can try to filter more, for example filterByExpr, because your filter here essentially just removes genes that are zero everywhere, also see vignette. That reduces multiple testing burden.