Im pretty new working with Illumina beadchips, I have some troubles to analyze this type of Microarray, because they only gave me the .idat files and de bgx manifest, so Im very confused because reading other posts related precisely to the microarray I am working on and they have more files than I actually have, I understand that I must extract fluorescence levels in the GenomeStudio analysis program but I still have several problems to be able to do a differential expression analysis.
From the documentation I have been reading from various libraries in R I have made a code that only works until I try to normalize my data:
# 1. Load .IDAT and .bgx files
directory <- "Data"
idat_files <- list.files(directory, pattern = "\\.idat$", full.names = TRUE)
bgx_file <- list.files(pattern = "\\.bgx$", full.names = TRUE)[1] # Use the first .bgx file
# 2. Read raw data using limma::read.idat
raw_data <- read.idat(idat_files, bgx_file)
# 3. Calculate detection p-values
pvalues <- detectionPValues(raw_data)
# 4. QC: Proportion of expressed genes (adjust the threshold according to your experiment)
proportion_expressed <- propexpr(pvalues, cutoff = 0.05)
print(proportion_expressed) # Should be > 0.5 in most samples
# 5. Normalization with neqc (Normexp + Quantile)
normalized_data <- neqc(raw_data)
Does it mean you have already done this part or not?
I think so I got oonly AVG_SIGNAL and AVG.DETECTION_P-value for my three conditions
This is what I did after exporting my data from GenomeStudio although I personally think I did something wrong when exporting
My script ends here because it stops working with the folowwing error:
You need replicates in your sample groups otherwise it is impossible to estimate variability. As we do not know your design matrix we cannot check whether it is the case or not.
What do you mean by having replicates?
At least two samples in one group