I am looking for assistance using regex for umi extraction with umi tools.
My reads contain a 23 bp universal sequence followed by a 12 bp umi.
I know these are at the 5' end of my read, because when I extract the first 35 bp with umi_tools to visually inspect, the sequences are exactly as expected.
However, when I attempt to use regex to pull out the umi (which I would prefer to do for multiple reasons), no matches are found.
The code I am using:
umi_tools extract --stdin=test.filt.fastq \
--bc-pattern='(?P<discard_1>TCTTACGATTACGCCAACCACTG{e<=2})(?P<umi_1>.{12})'--stdout test.processed.fastq
Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Thank you SO much! I apologize for not catching that error.