Hello, I am looking for some advice
I am currently creating a kmer database and looking to merge/sort and take uniq lines from 47 sample.txt.gz which are 16gb each what would be the fastest way to do this. i currently am thinking to do this
zcat *.merged.kmers.txt.gz | sort --parallel=48 --buffer-size= 1400G | uniq | gzip > all_unique_kmers.txt.gz
i have the option of running on a slurm and with 48 cpus across two nodes, im quite new to this so any advice would be great, and even the slurm slide of things.
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So does it work? Since you are able to allocate 1.4 TB (if the number above is correct) it should work.
Probably will take a long time, if you throw all files together in a single job. It may be better to keep working with a smaller set of files (say 4 to 6 ) at the time and keep building up with each step.