Differential Expression Analysis of scRNA seq data with Pseudobulking
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2 days ago
Sophia • 0


I am performing a differential expression analysis on my scRNA sequencing dataset of n = 75 individuals. With my current setup, I only receive insignificant results.

I test the differential expression for each cell type across three different groups of my dataset (3 disease stages, so mutually exclusive).

This is my code:

# list of SingleCellExperiment objects
sce_merged <- do.call(cbind, sce.list)
# Define a minimal count threshold and the minimum number of cells that must have counts > threshold
min_count <- 10
min_cells <- 3 
# Retrieve the counts matrix 
counts_mat <- assay(sce_merged, "counts")
# Create a logical matrix indicating where counts exceed the threshold.
expressed <- counts_mat > min_count
# For each gene, count the number of cells where it is expressed
num_cells_expressed <- Matrix::rowSums(expressed)
# Determine which genes pass the filter
keep_genes <- num_cells_expressed >= min_cells

cat("Number of genes before filtering by min count and min cells:", nrow(sce_merged), "\n")
sce_merged_filtered <- sce_merged[keep_genes, ]
cat("Number of genes after filtering by min count and min cells:", nrow(sce_merged_filtered), "\n")

# Pseudo-bulking
# ----------------------------------------
# Create pseudo bulks for every patient and every cell type to continue with traditional analysis
summed <- scuttle::aggregateAcrossCells(sce_merged_filtered, 
    ids=colData(sce_merged_filtered)[,c(short_annotation_type, "orig.ident")])
table(summed[[short_annotation_type]], summed$diagnosis_name)

# Removing all pseudo-bulk samples with 'insufficient' cells.
summed.filt <- summed[,summed$ncells >= 10]
cell_count <- table(summed.filt[[short_annotation_type]], summed.filt$diagnosis_name)
# identify the cell types that do not exist at least at n=10 in all patients
cell_types_to_remove <- rownames(cell_count)[apply(cell_count, 1, function(x) all(x < 10))]
cat("Cell types to remove: \n", cell_types_to_remove)
summed.filt <- summed.filt[,!summed.filt[[short_annotation_type]] %in% cell_types_to_remove,]
table(summed.filt[[short_annotation_type]], summed.filt$diagnosis_name)

# For each celltype: Repeat
# =================

# choose celltype
label <- "B"
current <- summed[,label==summed[[short_annotation_type]]]

# Creating up a DGEList object for use in edgeR:
y <- DGEList(counts(current), samples=colData(current))

# remove combinations containing fewer than 10 cells 
discarded <- current$ncells < 10
y <- y[,!discarded]
# remove lowly expressed genes
keep <- filterByExpr(y, group=current$diagnosis_name)
y <- y[keep,]
# correct for composition biases by computing normalizing factors
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
# Ensure that diagnosis_name is a factor
y$samples$diagnosis_name <- factor(y$samples$diagnosis_name)
y$samples$diagnosis_name <- relevel(y$samples$diagnosis_name, ref="A")
design <- model.matrix(~0+diagnosis_name, y$samples)

# model mean variance trend
y <- estimateDisp(y, design)
fit <- glmFit(y, design)

my.contrasts <- makeContrasts(BvsA=diagnosis_nameB-diagnosis_nameA, CvsB=diagnosis_nameC-diagnosis_nameB, CvsA=diagnosis_nameC-diagnosis_nameA, levels=design)
qlf.BvsA <- glmLRT(fit, contrast=my.contrasts[,"BvsA"])

What worries me are two things: First, the prior is NULL

fit <- glmFit(y, design)

Length  Class   Mode 
     0   NULL   NULL 

Length  Class   Mode 
     0   NULL   NULL 

Second, none of the results are significant

Coefficient:  -1*diagnosis_nameA 1*diagnosis_nameB 
                    logFC    logCPM        LR       PValue       FDR
ENSG00000241294  5.501448  9.897842 14.785774 0.0001204407 0.3361499
ENSG00000211663 -4.033216 10.512895 12.668160 0.0003719354 0.5190358
ENSG00000232216  4.016013 10.414781 11.891560 0.0005638886 0.5246044
ENSG00000211976 -4.398647  8.492410  9.963259 0.0015969508 0.9995831
ENSG00000211946  3.264621  7.737786  8.767256 0.0030668652 0.9995831
ENSG00000239855 -3.742213  9.367577  8.291273 0.0039836046 0.9995831
ENSG00000289340 -0.935096  5.140444  7.935606 0.0048471380 0.9995831
ENSG00000244116 -2.242584  8.907894  7.751107 0.0053679615 0.9995831
ENSG00000276775  3.007996  8.695115  7.067390 0.0078499535 0.9995831
ENSG00000240671  3.335387  9.702430  6.858517 0.0088219756 0.9995831

Could you help me find the culprit? Thanks very much in advance!


> sessionInfo()
R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default

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[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
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[11] sp_2.2-0                    SingleCellExperiment_1.28.1
[13] SummarizedExperiment_1.36.0 Biobase_2.66.0             
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[109] reticulate_1.41.0       munsell_0.5.1           Rcpp_1.0.14            
[112] globals_0.16.3          spatstat.random_3.3-2   png_0.1-8              
[115] spatstat.univar_3.1-1   parallel_4.4.1          dotCall64_1.2          
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edgeR scrnaseq pseudobulking • 156 views
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2 days ago
ATpoint 87k

You have three diagnosis and 75 individuals, so about 25 per diagnosis? That alone is not much for human data, especially if the analysis is not paired per individual which, given a diagnosis, is probably impossible. You see no DEGs, so it's either underpowered and/or confounded by unwanted variation or there are simply no real DEGs. That is why PCA etc. would help to diagnose. Consider adding some plots. But generally, sample size is low, and in pseudobulks counts are generally lower than regular bulk RNA-seq and noise is usually higher, so seeing no DEGs does not surprise me much. Does that make sense?

What you can try is to switch to limma and use either voomWithQualityWeights if using limma-voom or arrayWeights if using limma-trend. This can help squeezing out more power by downweighting samples that show consistent outlier behaviour.

If you still get no DEGs at all you might fall back to more general analysis such as geneset testing, for example with the camera method from limma or GSEA. That could at least tell whether some a priori-selected processes trend in some direction between groups.

Alternatively, take the top-X genes per p-value (not FDR) and explore whether this suggests some interesting biology that you can follow up with downstream analysis or experiments. There are many ways to tell a valid story without strict per-gene significances.


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