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12 days ago
Dear All,
I would like to confirm that I am extracting the CDS from WGS data correctly. Below are the steps I followed:
1. Generated a consensus FASTA sequence from the BAM file.
2. Retrieved the target gene sequence using its genomic coordinates from RAP-DB.
3. Performed a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) between the extracted genomic DNA (gDNA) sequence and the known CDS of the gene.
4. Identified the matching region and extracted it.
5. I am considering this extracted region as the putative CDS for the specific rice genotype.
Please let me know if any corrections or improvements are needed.
Thank you for your time.
I would annotate the consensus then extract the CDS. I am not sure what tool is used for plants.
Hi Mark,
Thank you. I can use EDTA for annotation. What tool do you use for your system?
Thank you for your time.
I work on viruses/bacteria, completely different field.