Okay, so I am at my wits end here. I just want to run bwa-mem on some fastq files but bwa-mem does not seem to want to run despite everything being in the proper place. Here is what I have done so far. I have a few fastq files that I am trying to align to the hg38 genome. I ran bwa-index with the following script
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=200G
bwa index hg38.fa hg38
And it generated 6 files, all with the hg38 prefix. hg38.fa.amb, hg38.fa.ann, hg38.fa.bwt, hg38.fa.fai, hg38.fa.pac, hg38.fa.sa.
All of these files are in the same working directory as my fastq files. Then I tried to run bwa-mem with the following script
bwa mem hg38 4810_R1.fastq.gz 4810_R2.fastq.gz > 4810_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4811_R1.fastq.gz 4811_R2.fastq.gz > 4811_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4812_R1_fastq.gz 4812_R2.fastq.gz > 4812_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4813_R1.fastq.gz 4813_R2.fastq.gz > 4813_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4814_R1.fastq.gz 4814_R2.fastq.gz > 4814_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4815_R1.fastq.gz 4815_R2.fastq.gz > 4815_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4816_R1.fastq.gz 4816_R2.fastq.gz > 4816_aln.sam
bwa mem hg38 4817_R1.fastq.gz 4817_R2.fastq.gz > 4817_aln.sam
But it keeps returning the error [E::bwa_idx_load_from_disk] fail to locate the index files
So I have no idea what to do. I've tried multiple times with multiple different prefixes but it returns the same error. all of the files are in the same working directory.
in my code the reference is .fasta, not .fa, i don't this could be the issue