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3 days ago
Hi Everyone!
I have manta generated and VEP annotated vcf file for tumor vs normal. In my data there are lot of translocations in comparison to DUP/DEL/INV/INS. I would like to know how to find true translocations. I was trying to filter using PR:SR ratio > 10 (tumor) and PR:SR < 10 (control) and keep one translocation.
chr1 3855261 A ]chr5:124764103]A BND 8,0:48,0 10,1:49,3
chr5 124764103 C C[chr1:3855261[ BND 8,0:48,0 10,1:49,3
First is for Control 8,0:48,0 tumor sample 10,1:49,3
Please guide me to consider the true translocations and why does my data have more translocations. I request you to help me to find true positive translocation