If you're active in this forum and the bioinformatics community in genomics, you've probably heard of nf-core before. Maybe you've even used a nf-core pipeline for your data analysis!
But what exactly is nf-core? A big corporation? A secret society with honorary members elected through cloak-and-dagger initiation rituals? Nope! It’s simply the largest collaborative community dedicated to building bioinformatics and other scientific data analysis pipelines in Nextflow—open to any enthusiastic developer or user who agrees to follow our code of conduct.
Currently, there are 127 nf-core pipelines and 1,444 modules to build with, but we want more—and we need your help to get there!
Next week, another Hackathon for the project will take place, with nearly 1,000 developers participating from at least 27 countries worldwide. Since it's a distributed, remote Hackathon, the barrier to entry is low, making it a great opportunity to get to know us. Sounds like something you shouldn’t miss, right?
Fortunately, there’s still time to register for online participation! We have many exciting projects to work on, and even if you’re not familiar with Nextflow, you can contribute in other ways—such as helping with infrastructure work in Python.
Hope to see you soon!