How to rank genes for GSEA using edgeR-LRT results ?
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1 day ago
Picasa ▴ 650

Hi all,

I'm running GSEA on RNA-seq differential expression results and I’m wondering what’s the best way to rank genes when using edgeR LRT .

I know that for:

DESeq2, it's common to rank by log2FoldChange after shrinkage.

limma-voom, the t-statistic is often used for ranking.

But edgeR-LRT does not provide a t-stat, so I’m not sure what’s most appropriate. Would using logFC alone be enough?

DEG edgeR • 185 views
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1 day ago
ATpoint 87k

I assume you mean glmLRT followed by topTags? If so, the LR column could be used, signed for direction of fold change, e.g. with topTags()$tableoutput being tt:

sign(tt$logFC) * tt$LR

or you use signed -log10(pvalue) which is basically the same. I would not use fold change alone since you need the pvalue to decide whether high fold changes are reliable or an artifact of large standard errors.

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Don't necessarily need to run topTags. Even with the glmLRT output, lrt say, the signed LRT statistic

z <- sign(lrt$table$logFC) * sqrt(lrt$table$LR)

is a standard normal z-statistic, and would be a good choice for GSEA ranking analyses.

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1 day ago
Gordon Smyth ★ 7.8k

The best choice would be use edgeR's built-in GSEA functionality provided by camera and cameraPR. These functions adjust for inter-gene correlation, which other ranked GSEA tools do not.

Otherwise, you can use the signed LRT statistic

z <- sign(lrt$table$logFC) * sqrt(lrt$table$LR)

as suggested by ATpoint, which is analogous to the t-statistic from limma-voom.

Finally, if you wanted a shrunk logFC analogous to that from DESeq2, you could use predFC with a large prior.count, say prior.count=5.


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