Hi, there
I want to use voom function in limma package to analyze the correlations between expression and age(continous data).
I am not sure whether it is suitable to use this package, which is often used for binary data.
And the p values were far small compared to pearson correlation test.
Please give me some advice. Thank you~
"result of top genes"
That is very kind of your advice. I corrected the mistake in voom() using. but the plot is not smooth , which seems indicate a bad fit of data?
There should not be a increasing trend of standard deviation with log2(count size) on the right hand side of the plot. I have never seen a voom plot of RNA-seq data that looks like this so it seems there is something wrong with your data or with the way you have input it to limma. Are you sure that your original data consists of RNA-seq read counts?
Yes, I used the read counts. I referred to this example before. log2 tranformation was performed in voom. Differential Expression with Limma-Voom
using a model with a continuous variable age, how do you interpret the logFC ?
The coefficient (logFC) is the log2 expression change for each unit change in the continuous covariate.
The interpretation follows the usual principles for interpreting coefficients in multiple regression equations.