Hi everyone, I was recently performing a fastQC after adapter timing with TrimGalore, and found a strange overrepresented sequence in read pair 2 for most of my samples: 'GTAAAAGGTAGCAATAGCTTTAAGCCAAGAAATTGTTCTCAGAAATGGCT'
Has anyone come across it before and knows what it relates to?
Background info: I used the following parameters for trim_galore: ' --cores 4 --trim-n --length 36 --paired --retain_unpaired '
Thank you!
Hi, could you please provide further information on the type of data your reads originate from? Is it RNA-Seq or DNA-Seq - which species/genus does it originate from?
I just blasted it and found a Nicotiana attenuata cloroplast-based predicted protein. Would that fir your data?
It would, thanks for your input!