I'm trying to run plink2's --make-king-table
However, upon running
~/programs/plink2 --bcf 1000genomes.bcf --make-king-table --out plink2.king --psam .1000g.tsv
I get an error:
Error: Mismatched IDs between --bcf file and condon.1000g.tsv.
so I made a psam file looking like:
NA21127 1
NA21128 1
NA21129 1
NA21130 1
NA21133 1
NA21135 1
NA21137 2
NA21141 2
NA21142 2
NA21143 2
However, this still gives the same errors. I have assured that the IDs are in the same order. I don't understand how this psam file should be put together, nor can I find documentation on it.
How can I make this psam file?
thank you, that didn't show up on Google searches. Time would've been saved if this error had a helpful error message.