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1 day ago
does anyone know, if there is a way of letting MAGeCK perform one two sided test on gene level instead of two one sided tests? If one is using both sides, simply using both tests does not seem statistically correct.
Please give details. Are we even talking about RRA or MLE? Generally, be aware that people cannot see your screen so you need to provide more context what exactly you're analyzing and how this related to the test you want to perform.
Sorry, you're right. Should have given more details here. This is an MAGeCK RRA test to simply compare two different conditions (treated vs. untreated). And I am looking for differential guide abundance. In the sgRNA summary file, I am provided a two-sided p value for guide enrichment or depletion, but in the gene summary file, I only get two onesided p values, either for enrichment or depletion. To not steal statistical power, I'd like to have a two sided test, because I don't know, if my guides are enriched or depleted before performing the screen.