Hi everyone! I'm a very very new to these variant formats. So please, kindly help me out. I have a SNP vcf file. And I need the hom and het variants. But I dont want to use the 012 output format of vcftools, its just too much of hassle. So I was thinking of using bcftools/samtools. I was thinking of using the FQ tag for this task. FQ : Consensus quality. If positive, FQ equals the phred-scaled probability of there being two or more different alleles. If negative, FQ equals the minus phred-scaled probability of all chromosomes being identical. Notably, given one sample, FQ is positive at hets and negative at homs. But my vcf file does not contain FQ tags in the INFO column. So I'm guessing I'd have to use vcf2fq command to get FQ. How do I go about issuing this command? Please help.