I've aligned 454 RNA-Seq reads using bwa. Does somebody know if a software that identify variants that suffered splicing exists ?
I've aligned 454 RNA-Seq reads using bwa. Does somebody know if a software that identify variants that suffered splicing exists ?
TopHat is probably not the "best" in terms of sensitivity or specificity. Have a look here for a more complete list. I use GSNAP quite regularly for this task.
I recommend to have a look at PALMA, described here: http://www.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/raetsch/suppl/palma
I used to read this paper. This figure is greatly exaggerating the problem with mapping ESTs. The authors are fabricating/selecting ESTs with extremely short exons and claim the alignment is correct only if all splice sites are correct. For most ESTs and when measuring the exon-level accuracy, the difference between PALMA and BLAT should be negligible (a couple percent at most). PALMA relies on BLAST, which is very inefficient for human alignment.
I used to read this paper. This figure is greatly exaggerating the problem in mapping ESTs. The authors are fabricating/selecting ESTs with extremely short exons and claim the alignment is correct only if all splice sites are correct. For most ESTs and when measuring the exon-level accuracy, the difference between PALMA and BLAT should be negligible. PALMA relies on BLAST, which is very inefficient for human alignment.
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Yes, I agree. TopHat does not do gapped alignment, while 454 has this particular homopolymer errors. TopHat may not work well for long reads, either. Perhaps even blat/gmap will be better.
Good point. Blat/gmap should do well; I have not seen much 454 data, so I don't have a good sense of how well, though.