Hi, I have generated a cap3 consensus assembly from three different assemblers (velvet/trinity/tophat). Now i would like to find out how many of those contigs are either unique, shared by two or by three assemblers. Right now i have a log file that indicates contig information and the transcripts contributed by those contigs. Could somebody help me making a venn diagram for this. Here is the log file..
Contig575 BRME_20693+,comp2892494_c0_seq1+
Contig574 BRME_20689+,TCONS_00061423+,TCONS_00061424+
Contig577 BRME_20739-,TCONS_00051195+,TCONS_00051196+,comp257652_c0_seq3+
BRME stands for velvet assembly, comp stands for trinity and TCONS stands for trinity asseblies.
Thanks Upendra
Thanks. I didn't realized that it was so easy. I finally got what i wanted....
Venny was down today... In any event, I would highly recommend I would highly recommend VENDIS.
It just came out and it's really quite good!