Hi all,
I have several BAM files which I would like to work in R environment. This are big files with more than 100M reads each. Is there any way to convert them in GRanges object and then save it as RData compressed file?
So far what I've tried is the following R code:
args = commandArgs(TRUE)
filename <- args[1]
name <- args[2]
## Create GRanges object from the BAM file and save it to disk
param <- ScanBamParam(what=c("qname","flag"))
b <- readGAlignments(filename, format="BAM", param=param);
save(b,file=paste(name,".RData",sep=""), compression_level=9);
This code gave me error messages because R is not able to allocate vectors more than 800 ~ 1000 Mb size, which I understand, but is there any way to create GRanges object of large BAM files?
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks for your answer Michael,
I know that R is not the best environment for this but the purpose of my analysis need to pass throught this step. Just one question: when you load your 21GB BAM file did you vary your code compare to mine? I want to know if I'm missing something, thanks!!