I was wondering if there are any ways in which Bioinformatics tools could help in Human Cognitive enhancement. Even if the way is too vague, or futuristic please throw in some ideas. If there are already some topics ongoing I would like to know about them.
Edit: What I really wanted to know is, if pipelines exist for refinement of the work being done towards cognitive enhancement. For example, it is known that GABA antagonists have a role in such enhancement Paper here. Could the present databases tell more about the involved proteins, with existing knowledge? Its a very broad and vague questions, but I would like to invest my spare time in pursuing a good idea if I find one.
Well, if bioinformatics is "tools for analysing biological data" and cognitive research generates biological data then sure, there are "ways in which bioinformatics could help." This question is much too vague; please try to improve it or it will be closed on that basis.
(After you edited the question) What your describing in your comment is called "Systems biology" : for example, see http://www.reactome.org , http://www.biopax.org/ http://bio2rdf.org/ etc...
I raise Pierre an sbml.org and biomodels.net