[I've offered to post this announcement about the upcoming week of online training on these great GMOD resources. I'm not affiliated with them, so if you have questions you should take them over to their team. --Mary]
GMOD Online Training
19th-23rd May 2014, approx 9am-6pm US Eastern time
The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) project is offering an online training course for those interested in learning how to use and deploy GMOD's free, open-source bioinformatics software. The GMOD project provides interoperable tools for visualising, storing, and disseminating genetic and genomic data.
The course will be held from 19th-23rd May 2014, with tuition and interaction with tutors occurring between (approximately) 9am and 6pm US Eastern time.
Components covered in the online training include:
- Chado database schema
- Galaxy analysis pipeline
- GBrowse genome browser
- JBrowse genome browser
- MAKER genome annotation pipelines
- Tripal website generator and database interface
- WebApollo manual gene annotation software
By the end of the course, participants will have hands-on experience of setting up and using core components needed for a modern genomics project.
More information and application form: http://gmod.org/wiki/GMOD_Online_Training_2014
I've asked if there are prerequisites, and I'm told that there aren't. You just need a browser and an ssh client. And I've asked if they depend on each other or if you could catch some and miss others, and I'm told that's fine. They don't rely on previous portions.
(eek--there's no preview now?)
Sounds Great!