I have SOLiD reads which are paried-end (75bp and 35bp) in .csfasta and .QV.qual format. I would like to use Shrimp2 to align them. So far I have been having trouble using it.
I used the following command:
gmapper -1 Sample/F3/reads/Hope_2014_02_20_1_01_13_0502_F3.csfasta -2 Sample/F5-DNA/reads/Hope_2014_02_20_1_01_13_0502_F5-DNA.csfasta $SCRATCH/human_hg19.fa -N 32 -p opp-in > Sample.sam 2> Logs/Sample.log
This is my log file and the error is shown at the bottom. I'm not sure what that means.
- Processing genome file [/Refs/human_hg19.fa]
- Processing contig chr1
- Processing contig chr2
- Processing contig chr3
- Processing contig chr4
- Processing contig chr5
- Processing contig chr6
- Processing contig chr7
- Processing contig chr8
- Processing contig chr9
- Processing contig chr10
- Processing contig chr11
- Processing contig chr12
- Processing contig chr13
- Processing contig chr14
- Processing contig chr15
- Processing contig chr16
- Processing contig chr17
- Processing contig chr18
- Processing contig chr19
- Processing contig chr20
- Processing contig chr21
- Processing contig chr22
- Processing contig chrX
- Processing contig chrY
- Processing contig chrM
Loaded Genome
note: detected fastq format in input file [Sample/F3/reads/Hope_2014_02_20_1_01_13_0502_F3.csfasta]
- Processing read files [Sample/F3/reads/Hope_2014_02_20_1_01_13_0502_F3.csfasta , Sample/F5-DNA/reads/Hope_2014_02_20_1_01_13_0502_F5-DNA.csfasta]
note: quality value format not set explicitly; using PHRED+64
done r/hr r/core-hr
error: realloc failed: Success
Here is how my csfasta files look like:
And this is how my qual file looks like:
23 31 -1 30 27 27 30 -1 31 26 27 26 -1 26 14 -1 23 -1 21 29 -1 17 -1 14 17 -1 17 17 14 14 -1 17 -1 14 14 -1 23 -1 29 21 17 14 -1 31 26 14 12 -1 14 14 23 14 -1 14 21 14 17 -1 21 14 17 17 -1 -1 14 14 26 -1 -1 14 14 29 -1 -1 14
31 17 -1 14 23 30 31 -1 31 23 31 31 -1 14 31 -1 31 -1 14 14 -1 14 -1 29 17 -1 31 14 23 17 -1 31 -1 17 14 -1 27 -1 13 21 14 17 -1 17 24 12 30 -1 21 31 23 21 -1 23 14 31 31 -1 -1 21 23 17 -1 -1 14 31 17 -1 -1 9 9 17 -1 -1 14
31 31 -1 31 31 31 31 -1 31 27 31 31 -1 31 31 -1 31 -1 31 26 -1 21 -1 30 27 -1 31 26 31 31 -1 31 -1 31 30 -1 31 -1 21 31 31 28 -1 31 31 31 23 -1 26 17 23 31 -1 17 20 30 27 -1 26 28 31 30 -1 -1 21 21 13 -1 -1 13 27 31 -1 -1 26
31 31 -1 31 31 31 31 -1 31 31 21 31 -1 14 28 -1 28 -1 29 30 -1 27 -1 21 31 -1 13 31 31 25 -1 12 -1 23 30 -1 28 -1 26 32 12 21 -1 28 18 30 12 -1 28 31 27 15 -1 15 31 28 14 -1 31 26 26 28 -1 -1 23 23 14 -1 -1 23 12 21 -1 -1 31
Does anyone what the error is? I have never used Shrimp2 before, so struggling a bit.
Thanks for the help.
is it possible that the tool ran out of memory to allocate? If I recall it correctly it was quite the memory hog.
I'm not so sure. Each csfasta files is only about 5GB. And I gave a RAM of about 256GB and 32 cores to run this. Do you think it might need more RAM than that?