We are trying to us MEM with GNU parallel with paired fastQ files, but its saying that can't accept more then one file. What could be the possible reasons? What if we concatante both file as single one and then use that with mem? Does Mem command support multi threading too ?
This command is telling bwa mem to use 8 threads (`-t`) so you will have some level of parallelism. Your command above does not invoke GNU parallel, and to do so you would use something like:
show us the cmd-line please.
this exact commant we are using:
${bwa} mem -t 8 -R \\"@RG\\tID:${ursId}_pairend\\tSM:${sampleName}\\tLB:${libraryId}\\tPL:${platform}\\" ${refGenomeFastaFile} \${seqReadsDir}/${ursId}_pairend1.fastq.gz ${seqReadsDir}/${ursId}_pairend2.fastq.gz
but how do you invoke parallel ?
Sorry as I didn't able to post complete command. Here it goes as we are trying to convert SAM files to BAM files at same time only