I am currently reading a paper of Bolstad "A comparison of normalization nethods for high density oligonucleotide array data based on variance and bias: and I have some questions about the result-section.
He writes:
Plotting the log of the ratio of variances versus the average of the log of the mean (expression measure across arrays)..
for example:
"the log of the ratio of variances" is then log[ Variance(Quantil) / Variance(unnormalized) ]
"the average of the log of the mean" is then 0.5 [log (Mean(Quantil) Mean(unnormalized) ]
Is it right? Because a few lines later he mentions: ...the first method ib the ratio has the smaller ratio...
has the smaller ration of what? reatio of variance(Qunatil) and mean(Quantil)? but we did not compare that.