i use shapeit to do phasing and then inpute2 to generate the gen file.
but after performing association test to the gen file and finally getting a assoc.dosage
file, I found that the p-value of original snp (not the imputed snp) is different from the original one (before phasing and impute).
my original plink file is hg19.
here is my comment line:
./shapeit --input_bed mygwas.chr1.bed mygwas.chr1.bim mygwas.chr1.fam \
--input-map genetic_map_chr1_combined_b37.txt \
--output-max mygwas.phased.haps mygwas.phased.sample
./impute2 -use_prephased_g \
-m genetic_map_chr_combined_b37.txt \
-h ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr1_impute.hap \
-l ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr1_impute.legend \
-known_haps_g mygwas.phased.haps \
int xxx xxx \
Ne xxx \
-o mygwas.gen \
./plink --dosage mygwas.gen format=3 dose=1 skip0=1 skip1=1 noheader --fam mygwas.fam --assoc --out mygwas.imputed.
I think the p-value of original SNP in the mygwas.chr1.bed/bim/fam file should be the same with the output mygwas.imputed.assoc.dosage
, but the result showed that they are different. and this really confused me.
Could everyone tell me how should i fix this problem? really thanks a lot
thank you karl stemm.
I used
command in PLINK to do association test. after imputation, I used the following command to perform association test.eg. many SNPs has p-value of 1e-06, but after imputation, it only get 1e-04. (sorry I dont know how to use URL to upload the picture)
is there any possible that shapeit automatically impute missing genotype in my data? if this really a problem, how can I do to prevent it?
IMPUTE2 can impute missing data. Check if the p-value of SNPs with a call rate of 100% is still the same.
thank you, now I know the reason of the changing p-value.
so if I don't want impute2 to perform this autoimpute function, how could I do? because I did'nt see any command that could perform this function in the webpage of IMPUTE2.
You could replace the post-imputation genotypes with the original. Use PLINK to remove (--exclude) the SNP from your post-Imputation file and add your old genotype with --merge.
thank you Maxime Lamontangne ^o^