I am building a visual FastQ editor (An efficient FastQ viewer and editor (GUI)). I hope it will be the mother of all fastq graphic editors :). I started to implement some functions already and to write output to disk. So, I have a question: is the content of the + line necessary? If I don't save that content the resulted file will be 25% smaller, which is a HUGE difference!
@SR000066.212673 EQ length=115 ACGT +SR000066.212673 EQ length=115 <-------- remove this content (keep +) B:B:
I have seen an article saying that it can and should be removed. Since there is no official documentation for FastQ format, I think that MAYBE some tools out there may still use that field for god-knows what.
Yes, a good practice is to remove it, to reduce the file size and the memory required to open it.
My FastQ Editor always requires the same amount of RAM (below 25MB) no matter how big the files it is.