986 results • Page 3 of 20
driven research that aims developing algorithms for a wide range of applications (e.g. Yang et al., Bioinformatics 2010; Yang et al., BMC Genomics 2014; Yang et al., Genome Medicine 2015), to hypothesis-driven investigation...problems where the main goal is the discovery and advancement of biological knowledge (e.g. Asangani et al., Nature 2014; Henzler et al., Nature Communications 2016; Katernd…
updated 23 months ago • yangliz5
genotyping using low coverage whole genome re-sequencing data? Currently I can find MSG (Andolfatto et al 2011) and MPR (Xie et al 2010) are the two tools which uses HMM to genotype from a very low coverage resequencing (<1x coverage...Alternative tool is skim-based GBS (Bayer et al 2016) which basically use sliding window approach. It would be great if you can point out other tools availa…
updated 2.4 years ago • Gvj
In Jellyfish's original paper(Marcais et al, Bioinformatics 2011), it says that "counting kmers up to 31 bases in length". But on the other hand, in other papers such as...In Jellyfish's original paper(Marcais et al, Bioinformatics 2011), it says that "counting kmers up to 31 bases in length". But on the other hand, in other papers such as KMC2...Deorowicz et al, Bioinformatics 2015), Jellyfi…
along with new computational resources for benchmarking differential expression (Germain et al., Nucleic Acids Research 2016). We recently elucidated the Polycomb-dependent dysregulation in transcription factor...networks underlying glioblastoma multiforme (Signaroldi, Laise et al., Nature Communications 2016), and defined new benchmarks for the disease-modeling field through the thus far largest…
updated 21 months ago • ivivek_ngs
to calculate the local internal stability of several RNA duplexes in siRNA, as described in Khvorova et al. (2003) based on (delta G) calculations according to Freier et al (1986). I also want to calculate local stability at other temperatures...than 37 degrees (not every bug lives at 37 degr. C) to achieve plots similar to Figure 2 in Khvorova et al. How well does the stability calculation trans…
updated 8.6 years ago • Michael Dondrup
like to know which words are under-over represented in both, but using a high Markov model ([Rocha et al.]) led to a powerless statistic tests, because of low counts, when using bigger k lengths. Any of the friends have a suggestion...of a different or robust model to access this comparison? Thanks in advance. Paulo [Rocha et al.]: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/11/6/946.full
updated 2.3 years ago • schlogl
salary plus generous benefits dependent on experience. **Representative Publications** Kim et al., ***Nature***. PMID: 35768511 Gaudet et al., ***Science***. PMID: 34437126 Huang et al., ***Nature***. PMID: 34040255 Huang et al., ***Curr Opin Immunol...PMID: 31176142 Wu et al., ***Elife***. PMID: 28362261 Huang et al., ***Mol Plant***. PMID: 27756575 Huang et al., ***Cell Host …
updated 24 months ago • Shuai
context of cotranscriptional splicing. I've found a paper (Saeki & Svejstrup 2009, Sigurdsson et al. 2010, Close et al. 2012) that mentions that A-rich tracts cause pausing. The first paper does not provide a reference on this
updated 12.2 years ago • polarise
HI I am using the following set of commands on GATK2.1.13 to generate a VCF file echo java -Xmx20g -jar /usr/bin/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -I B2_with_ReadGroup.ddup.sorted.bam -R human_g1k_v37.fasta -T RealignerTargetCreator -o my.intervals -et NO_ET -K /root/sandbox/saket.kumar_iitb.ac.in.key echo "Realignment Done at date" echo "Starting IndelRealigner at date" …
updated 7.1 years ago • Saket Choudhary
Hi all, I have read Johnson et al. about ComBat and usage but I am unsure about best practices on that. I have an expression matrix (in linear, not log2 or log2ratio...decreases to -301, shifting below the 25 percentile that is -214.5 .. Is that normal? From Johnson et al. I read that data has to be normalized before ComBat ('We assume that the data have been normalized and expression values...…
updated 11.3 years ago • fbrundu
I have been using `panX` tool for pan-genome analysis (My computer info: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 64 bit version). I followed the instructions mentioned in the manual and installed all the dependencies `(mcl, mafft, fastree, raxml, DIAMOND, treetime)`. After that, I ran the test as mentioned in the tool manual and end up with the following error, mv: cannot stat 'GC00000142_aa_aln.fa': No such file…
updated 19 months ago • Kumar
percent SSR cutoff to filter out a repeat, and why? Some figures come to mind, like 80% (Wicker et al. 2007) for repeat classification or 35% in the S. bicolor de novo repeat library (Paterson et al. 2009
updated 10.9 years ago • MrGreen
Status of cell@ Regulated (if available/ extractable!) Mesophyll Proline Johanna et al. 2002 Stress Up Mesophyll Glucose Syamore et al. 2009 Pathogen Down Mesophyll Auxin Huygens et al. 2009 Ca++ Signalling Down...Mesophyll Citric acid Purita et al. 2015 Dro…
updated 3.0 years ago • justinhaselbach
to test robustness of each prediction. All [PhylomeDB][1] resources are also accessible through [ETE2: a Python Environment for phylogenetic Tree Exploration][4]. [1]: http://phylomedb.org/ [2]: http://trimal.cgenomics.org/ [3]: http
updated 22 months ago • Leszek
counts=data, group=group) dge <-calcNormFactors(dge) dge <- estimateDisp(dge) et <- exactTest(dge, pair=c("wt", "res")) write.csv(et$table,"dacomitinib-edgeR.csv") I am analyisng my sample rnaseq data with EdgeR
updated 2.7 years ago • edus_bioinfo
B, Basal, Normal like, HER2 enriched) Basal subtype can be divided in basal A and basal B. (Kao et al., 2009; Neve et al., 2006) It has been done using expression from MicroArray via Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM
updated 6.4 years ago • ZheFrench
Hello, I know that Berger et al. 2008 found a PSSM of RAX in mouse; does anybody know where can I find it
updated 13.9 years ago • Anima Mundi
I'm trying to find/use a popular gene finding tool called genBlastG 1.39 ([She et al. 2011][1]), but the [source website][2] seems to be deprecated, giving me 404 errors. It appears to have not been updated for 7 years...still get the 404 error. But it has been cited by recent genomics papers (e.g. [Navarro-Escalante et al. 2021][3], [Tan et al. 2021][4]), so clearly someone is getting it to work…
updated 21 months ago • jaredbernard
the last years. For example, we characterized the telomere length regulators HOT1 (Kappei*, Butter* et al., EMBO J 2013) and ZBTB48 (Jahn*, Rane* et al., EMBO Rep 2017) as well as the ALT-specific telomere binding protein ZBTB10 (Bluhm et...screen to study putative telomere-associated proteins from fish to mammals (Kappei*, Scheibe* et al., Nat Commun 2017). In the future, we want to deepen our u…
updated 19 months ago • IMB postdoc programme
the potential interaction among all of these proteins. From literature, I learned that NetVenn (Wang et al 2014 Nucleic Acids Research) and STRING (Franceschini et al 2014, Nucleic Acids Research) are available, but only for human
updated 3.8 years ago • rajaragupathy
I have a tree constructed from a MSA (done with MAFFT) of around 400 protein sequences. I am using ETE3 to compute a tree using the following pipeline: *none-trial01-pmodeltest_soft_ultrafast-phyml_default*. The resulting
updated 6.0 years ago • jduc
I am trying to normalize my virus-metagenomics raw counts based on [ROUX et al, 2017][1]: The authors normalize raw counts by contig size. Afterwards, they transform it to RPKM (edgeR) as correction for...I am trying to normalize my virus-metagenomics raw counts based on [ROUX et al, 2017][1]: The authors normalize raw counts by contig size. Afterwards, they transform it to RPKM (edgeR) as corr…
In December 2011, Hunt et al published a strong refutation of the role of rare functional variants in SIAE in autoimmune disease: http://www.nature.com...false association, and could it have been prevented? One of the potential confounds noted by Hunt et al in their study is that, although principal component analysis is effective at identifying population structure coarsely...in rare variant st…
isoform usage, which is implemented by cuffdiff2 (detailed in the supplement of Trapnell et al.), to estimates calculated by eXpress. Before pressing ahead I wanted to make sure that I am not making an egregious error...fragment abundances and adjusted transcript lengths (referred to as gamma and l(t) in Trapnell et al.), respectively? And is it appropriate to back calculate Var[gamma] directly f…
updated 3.3 years ago • sah9b
exp_study = DGEList(counts=rnaseqMatrix, group=conditions) exp_study = calcNormFactors(exp_study) et = exactTest(exp_study, dispersion=0.1) tTags = as.data.frame(topTags(et,n=NULL)) ``` Images in the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh
updated 2.9 years ago • sayuj.koyyappurath
is a pervasive cause of sequencing errors, directly confounding variant identification'", Stewart et al., Science **361** eaas9824(2018), authors point out that the method of variant analysis proposed by Chen et al. (Reports, 17 February
updated 6.1 years ago • gdaly9000
have already been aligned and ultraconserved elements have been identified. For example Miller et al. 2007. Is there a website where I can download a list of ultraconserved elements found in two species? Ideally with some...additional information such as genomic location and percentage identity. Thanks in advance. Miller et al . (2007) 28-Way vertebrate alignment and conservation track in the …
updated 8.3 years ago • ddowlin
you help me about the bowtie2 error message below that I don’t understand? I run HiC-Pro (Servant et al., 2015) for our chicken HiChIP data (Mumbach et al., 2016) with 40bp paired-end reads. HiC-Pro is an aligner based on bowtie2. After...KILL) Best, Gary Reference Mumbach MR, Rubin AJ, Flynn RA, Dai C, Khavari PA, Greenleaf WJ, et al. HiChIP: efficient and sensitive analysis of protein-d…
updated 7.2 years ago • Gary
Hi everyone, I am using miRNA-mRNA interaction information, when I searched TargetScan v7.2. I see that they have mainly 2 types of data: conserved and unconserved. I read their FAQs and see the definition of "conserve", so if I want to investigate the regulatory network, what should I use? I'm still not getting the definition of "conserve". Could somebody please explain this term? I don't have m…
updated 6.0 years ago • landscape95
group. Then, mutual information is calculated. This is best visualized from this graphic in Steuer et al. (2006) My question is how to calculate this mutual information value. I have such a contingency matrix, and know how to calculate...mutual information, but Gibbons et al (and Steuer et al too) use an approximation, and I'm unsure of their notation. The MI for a cluster is additive under th…
updated 13.2 years ago • Ted
Hello, everyone! I get into trouble when I install the soft such as breakdancer, Mutsig which were developed by Ding lab. These are all very common used software in sequencing. I think the reason is that my linux is redhat, not ubuntu, would you help me know whether it is this reason? Thanks!
updated 11.6 years ago • Liyf
AND the enrichment score is 1.23 with p-values of 2.8E-2**: clustered terms are DNA-binding region:ETS (7 genes), Ets (7 genes), Domain:PNT(4 genes), ETS(7 genes), SAM PNT(4 genes) **But for another annotation cluster, there are 86 genes BUT
updated 2.3 years ago • parksuhong
7q11.23 that display a striking combination of shared and symmetrically opposite phenotypes (Adamo et al. Nature Genetics, 2015; News and Views by Urban and Purmann in the same issue). We discovered that iPSC and early developmental...at the cutting edge of cell reprogramming, neurobiology and computational biology (Signaroldi, Laise et al., Nature Communications 2016; Germain et al., Nucleic Aci…
updated 21 months ago • ivivek_ngs
y[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE] y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "TMM") bcv <- 0.2 et <- exactTest(y, dispersion=bcv^2, pair = c("A", "B")) FDR <- p.adjust(et$table$PValue, method="BH") et$table$FDR <- FDR results_EXT <- as.data.frame...et$table) results_EXT_sig_dn <- filter(results_EXT, FDR < 0.05 & …
updated 2.1 years ago • bhanu.chandra1
Johnson D S, Mortazavi A, Myers R M, et al. Genome-wide mapping of in vivo protein-DNA interactions.[J]. Science, 2007, 316(5830):1497-502. but I can't download datasets
updated 8.3 years ago • zzz550987425
heatmap.2(data1, col = col.pan, Rowv = TRUE, scale = "none", > : `x' must be a numeric matrix et <- exactTest(dge, pair=c("ctrl", "tr")) etp <- topTags(et, n=2000000) data1 <- as.matrix(etp$table$logFC) heatmap.2(data1, col=col.pan
updated 7.2 years ago • Sharon
I found some candidate alternatively spliced exons in a paper by [Gardina et al. (2006)][1] that are annotated by so-called "probeset IDs" from the GeneChip Human Exon 1.0 ST array (e.g. "2425850" for a probeset...of the gene COL11A1). There must be a possibility to map the probeset IDs from Gardina et al. to Ensembl Exon IDs (the mapping doesn't necessarily have to be unique) but somehow I can't…
updated 7.0 years ago • sevenless
approach by using in query the assemblages and in database of nucleotide databases containing **ETs**, which would be an approach maybe less sensitive but much faster! Only I can't find a database in ET representative of `eukaryotes
updated 4.1 years ago • Chvatil
x4))) y<-DGEList(counts=countsvec, group=groupvec, remove.zeros=TRUE) y<-estimateDisp(y) et<-exactTest(y) et$table$PValue
Nov 2014). - [Robinson et al.][12] Integrative clinical genomics of advanced prostate cancer. *Cell*. 161(5):1215-28 (21 May 2015). - [Ravegnini et al.][13]. Personalized...rearrangement in clinical cancer specimens. *J Mol Diagn*. 16(1):56-67. (Jan 2014) - [Pennington et al.][20] Germline and somatic mutations in homologous recombination genes predict platinum response and survival in ovarian…
updated 3.3 years ago • Obi Griffith
terminal nodes/leaves) together if their average distances to the nearest parent clade is < X (ETE2 Python package). This is biologically interesting since some of the gene regulatory DNA motifs may be homologous (paralogues
I’m working with some data with large BCV (indicated below). I made my design matrix accounting for all the covariates I possibly could with the metadata I had. I applied conservative gene expression thresholding (eg >= 0.75 log(CPM + 1) measured in >= k% of samples as described in the voom guides and various biostars/bioconductor posts) I compared the mean-variance trends t…
updated 23 months ago • wiscoyogi
I have human gut microbial gene catalogue (Qin et al., 2010), I would like to find phage genes/prophage region genes among. What would be the best practice
updated 10.1 years ago • yax
Hello, Can anyone suggest how to detect deep paralog or inparalog in a phylogenetic tree using ETE toolkit ? get_my_evol_events is not good enough to detect deep paralog in deeper nodes. Thanks in advance. Arun
updated 8.3 years ago • arunprasanna83
Anyone familiar with the gKaKs pipeline (Zhang et al. 2013): Can this pipeline use transcriptomic data to calculate Ka/Ks? I assume it does, but it would be nice to have confirmation
updated 6.6 years ago • mah123
to add gene predictions from eggNOG/Cogs into my genome figure like in these examples below: ![Orsi et al., 2015][2] and [Ku et al., 2013][3] The annotation output does not have any information regarding the gene start and end locations
updated 5.9 years ago • mss
were also used to test positive selection. When I tried to do same analysis (multiple copy approach), ETE tool used only one sequence (one gene) from each species although each species has multiple copies in the same ortholog...family. Is there any way to deal with gene duplication event because ETE uses only the first sequence of each species? Codeml in PAML says Seq occurs more than once in …
updated 4.6 years ago • Mehmet
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge) dge <- estimateCommonDisp(dge) dge <- estimateTagwiseDisp(dge) et <- exactTest(dge) etp <- topTags(et, n=30) etp$table$logFC = -etp$table$logFC head(etp, n=15) write.csv(etp$table, "edgeR-control
updated 9.2 years ago • aj123
I am not familiar with RNAseq or 16S analysis...I have never done either. I've read papers ( [Li P et al][1], [Evans et al][2], [Li et al][3], and [Risso et al][4]), but I'm uncomfortable just "winging it". So my first question is: does anyone have suggestions
updated 6.6 years ago • sovrappensiero
do with the existing SNP data in regards to estimating archaic introgression. I know [Sánchez-Quinto et al. (2012)][1] and [Reich et al. (2011)][2] had used f4 statistics (described in depth by Patterson et al. (2012) [here][3] to estimate Neanderthal
updated 3.0 years ago • devenvyas
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