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in DESeq assumes that the samples can be treated as technical replicates? Thank you. [1] Huber et al, 2002 [2] Durbin et. al, 2002 [3] http://seqanswers.com/forums/showpost.php?p=139198&postcount=8
updated 7.8 years ago • jiab
multiple alignment pipeline, when I looked through the original EP paper published in GR (Benedict et al. 2008), I know that the Enredo need a set of nonoverlapping GPAs(Genomic Point Anchor) as input file. So I looked the Enredo...Anchor Generation section in supplementary, it is very complicated, to derived the GPA, Gerp[Cooper et al., 2005] and BlastZ-net or Lastz-net should be included. May…
updated 12.3 years ago • Lds
message. i have tryed differents ways to generate the tree, assuming that is the problem(ape library, ete3,Phylogeny.fr ), even use a contraction of the tree given in the tutorial(to discard distance problems in tree). inputs matrix
updated 7.3 years ago • gu.fernandezn
removed parent which in turn becomes the new root. I'm reading a newick format tree using pythons ete3 package, lets say my tree is stored in a file like this: (S1_k99_151_71_451_+:0.04173,S1_k99_259_71_451_+:0.07108,((S2_k99_3184_162148_162525_
updated 5.9 years ago • Moses
Hi all, I have raw sequencing datas of metagenomes and all of them are single-end reads. I would want to prolong/extend contigs. I thought of PRICE (Ruby, JG., *et al*, 2013) but it only works with paired-end reads. Do you have any recommendation on what software could I use? Thank you for your...of them are single-end reads. I would want to prolong/extend contigs. I thought of PRICE (Ruby, JG…
updated 15 months ago • A_heath
Hello, I would like to draw a histogram with annotations like the one below. The figure is from Liu et al 2021 Genome Research (https://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2021/12/28/gr.275453.121.full.pdf). Any pointers or package
updated 18 months ago • mikothebichon
Jeanette Baran-Gale, Michael R Erdos, Christina Sison, et al. (2013) Massively differential bias between two widely used Illumina library preparation methods for small RNA sequencing
updated 22 months ago • David Langenberger
I found here This image was taken from a paper from "Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm", Tisoncik et al. 2012 thanks Assa
updated 11.2 years ago • Assa Yeroslaviz
has a simple FTP server setup (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/) where I can access data from GEO, Genbank, et cetera. I was just curious---if one were to download **all** of that data, how much space would I need? My guess is it would be in petabytes
updated 6.3 years ago • breckuh
methods, different fragmentation methods, etc.) for DNA or RNA seq. I know the paper from Levin et al (Comprehehnsive comparative analysis of strand-specific RNA sequencing methods). Does somebody know about other papers
updated 12.8 years ago • Steffi
for motif enrichment under specific high ATAC-peaks? Do I have to give the entire genome to Homer (et al.) to find motifs enriched in all peaks. Then specifically try and find what motif is under my peak of interest
updated 5.4 years ago • a.rex
in a separate plot not as a part of Waterfall using GeneVisR? Something like figure 1 in Alexandrov et al., 2016 https://d2ufo47lrtsv5s.cloudfront.net/content/sci/354/6312/618/F1.large.jpg Many thanks in advance, Rahel ![figure1
for possible saturation of nucleotide substitution types on several nucleotide MSA. I know that Xia et al published an index and this is implemented in DAMBE5 However, as far as I get I should submit my MSA one by one in DAMBE, and
updated 10.0 years ago • dago
at each position (20 bp stretch) for virus species similar to the following image by [Suzuki et al 2013][1]. ![Example Figure][2] Can you suggest a software or script that I can use to achieve this? Thanks in advance. [1]: https://1drv.ms
updated 4.6 years ago • venura
Hi, I'm looking to normalize my single cell RNA-seq data using *SCnorm* (Bacher et al. 2017, *Nature Methods*). My count matrix is coerced into a SingleCellExperiment (`sce`) container with metadata (for example...genotype and treatment). The metadata was added through *scater* packer in R (McCarthy et al. 2017, *Bioinformatics*) using `colData`. I have been trying unsuccessfully to use the `col…
cytoscape by using the python. I can export some files such as cx JSON,cx2 JSON, cytoscape.js JSON et. But how can I import them to python? even I can't read the data. I try using the networkx package to do that,but I failed. can anyone
updated 7 weeks ago • 雨
Can anyone suggest a reliable parser to extract ligands (coordinates, atom types, et al.) from a PDBML or mmCIF file? I have tried BioPython (http://biopython.org/wiki/The_Biopython_Structural_Bioinformatics_FAQ
updated 2.5 years ago • GeauxEric
to determine differentially expressed genes between two conditions. We are trying to use the Pertea et al pipeline (Hisat2+Stringtie+Ballgown). Following questions: 1. should the fold change be computed using the fpkm measure
updated 6.8 years ago • nancy
I was reading this paper by Anderson et al., 2010 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21085122). I know what SNPs is very well, but I have been having difficulty understanding
updated 5.2 years ago • MAPK
Any suggestion of tools how can I do this? I attached the following example from M. R. Mansour et al., Science (80). 346 (2014) to show what I want to generate. Thanks! [Motifs located in the DNA sequence][1] [1]: https://imgur.com/a/3Fp57
updated 7.2 years ago • Rashedul Islam
whole genome** differential binding analysis? I have checked out two review papers: 1. Shiqi Tu et al. An introduction to computational tools for differential binding analysis with ChIP-seq data 2. Sebastian Steinhauser...et al. A comprehensive comparison of tools for differential ChIP-seq analysis Based on their flow charts I have following
updated 6.9 years ago • biopat
I am using **GeneMark-ES Suite version 4.33** for Eukaryotic gene prediction for plant genome and I am kind of stuck **command** perl gmes_petap/gmes_petap.pl --evidence protein.fa --cores 40 --sequence genome_assembly.fa --ET transcripts.gff ---------- **input files** ***protein.fa*** = a multi-fasta file having amino acid sequences from a closely related plant ***genome_assembly.f…
updated 7.0 years ago • lakhujanivijay
Hi! I am really confused, and need some expert advice from the guys who work in NGS data analysis along with reason. Ok, the PROBLEM is: I performed peak calling using MACS and I got nice peaks(antibody used for detecting ETS factor), then I annotated these peaks to the single nearest genes in a window of 25 Kb. This was followed by De novo motif discovery and also I scanned these regions usin…
updated 11.3 years ago • ChIP
dge, method="TMM") dge <- estimateCommonDisp(dge) dge <- estimateTagwiseDisp(dge) et <- exactTest(dge, pair=c("ctrl", "tr")) etp <- topTags(et, n=2000000) etp$table$logFC = -etp$table$logFC Thanks a lot
updated 7.2 years ago • Sharon
filter all obtained transcripts (exonerate output file) that have poor alignment scrores. In Liang et al article (Liang C, Mao L, Ware D, et al. Evidence-based gene predictions in plant genomes[J]. Genome research, 2009, 19(10): 1912-1923
updated 9.2 years ago • Ginsea Chen
39; depending on sample number. Also can be adapted to replicated samples, see'?DGEList'. d et <- exactTest(d, pair=(1:2),dispersion=bcv^2) #exactTest(RG, pair=(1:2),dispersion=bcv^2) et top <- topTags(et) top cpm(RG)[rownames(top), ] #Check...the individual cpm values for the top genes: summary(de <- decideTestsDGE(et)) #The total number of DE genes at…
updated 10.7 years ago • biotech
Hi, I am trying to perform DEG analysis without replicates while referencing EdgeR User's Guide(page23). I have 3 replicates but I want to compare each sample (cont3 vs sample1). > library(edgeR) > packageVersion("edgeR")[1] ‘3.30.3’ > count <- read.table("3vs1.txt", + sep = "\t", header = T, row.names = 1) > head(count…
updated 4.5 years ago • Aki
canonical nucleic acid structures, such as G-quadruplexes, in the genome and transcriptome (Chambers et al., Nature Biotechnology 2015, DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3295; Kwok et al., Nature Methods 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.3965; Hänsel-Hertsch...et al., Nature Genetics 2016, DOI: 10.1038/ng.3662). * Identification and mapping of modified bases, such as cytosine and thymidine...modifications, and understand…
updated 21 months ago • dariober
Hi guys, I would you to revise my edgeR code since it's possible I missed something important because being quite new on this. Thanks, Bernardo ``` ############################################################ #htseq-count stats ############################################################ # rRNA and tRNA will be discarded in counts file because the arbitrary mapped reads to these regions # NOTE…
updated 3.3 years ago • biotech
Hi all, I've used MEGA6 to infer the ancestral states of a given site. The MEGA5 citation ([Tamura et al., 2011][1]) states that ancestral sequences can be reconstructed. However, I am unable to find how to view the inferred ancestral
updated 2.4 years ago • tim_mci
Journal of Sciences. 2021; 41(4):898. https://10.20892/j.issn.2095-3941.2018.0055" to **[1] Faehling et al. 2021. JS, 41(4):898.** using regular expression
updated 3.2 years ago • shabbas12
Hi, I'm reading [Rezola et al][1] in PlosOne. I was wondering whether elementary flux modes are essentially the same thing as vectors in a matroid. Not
updated 3.1 years ago • russhh
Hi there! My question is pretty straightforward: **are those probes described on [Chen et al., 2012][1] paper for Illumina's 450K methylation array still valid for the EPIC version?** If not, would there be an updated list
updated 3.2 years ago • dodausp
Hello, I know that a database of miRNA:mRNA interactions scored by mirSVR (Betel et al. 2010) exists on the microRNA.org web resource. However, I wish to calculate mirSVR scores for custom miRNA and mRNA sequences
I have read some papers, mainly "Basic statistical analysis in genetic case-control studies” (Clarke et al. 2011, Nature Protocols 6: 121-33),but I am not sure which input to follow. Thanks
updated 10.9 years ago • tom.d.brocklehurst
scRNA-seq data prepared with Smart-seq2 protocol. I have been using HISAT-StringTie-Ballgown(Partea et al. 2016) for my bulk RNAseq data. For scRNAseq I have aligned& assembled transcripts with HISAT-StringTie. Yet, I believe
updated 4.2 years ago • asumani
percentage of mapped reads and they also have very low number of mapped reads for some samples (Reid et al., J Biological Chemistry 2012 and de Klerk et al., NAR 2015). Still I am not sure if this is the most common case. Some details on
updated 2.5 years ago • laura.fancello
calculating tools to help inform the trade off between depth and biological reps (Scotty ([Busby, et al 2013][1]), RNASeqPower ([Hart, et al 2014][2]) and looking at as much literature on the topic as I can. A lot of the focus is on poly-A enriched
updated 3.0 years ago • createanotherone
I would like to understand what the meaning of 'tag is in the following paragraph. Does it mean "correlated with" or does it somehow act on the tagged gene? > The supplementary meta-analyses confirmed one additional independent locus that showed genome-wide significant association with CM (rs7412746 on chromosome 1q21; Amos et al., 2011), which was not included in our previous meta-analys…
updated 7.3 years ago • andrewl
A**. Epigenetic Memory: The lamarckian brain, ***EMBO J***. 2014 Epub ahead of print - Benito, E. et al. **Fischer, A**. Reinstating transcriptome plasticity and memory function in models for cognitive decline, ***Journal of Clinical...Investigation***, in press - Stilling, et al. **Fischer, A**. De-regulation of gene expression and alternative splicing affects distinct cellular pathways in the…
updated 2.3 years ago • Gjain
and international research groups. Relevant recent publications from our group include Doyle et al, Frontiers in Cell & Dev Bio (2022), Conway et al, Molecular Cell (2021), Tamburri et al, Molecular Cell (2020), and Conway et al
to work with a group of international leaders in the field of translational research (e.g. Kraiczy et al. Mucosal Immunology 2016, Baud A et al, PLoS genetics 2017, McKinney EF et al Nature 2015) and apply cutting edge computational
updated 20 months ago • anke
this channel . The protocol for calculation based on the collective diffusion model proposed by Zhu *et al*. I am not able to get how I can do this . Can Someone help me in this regard. Thanks
updated 13 months ago • Peerzada
genetic variant annotator I should use for mutation in drosophila. I found that William P. Gilks et al. used SNPeff v4.1 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.9912.3), but the problem is that its not working on the server
event given a hybrid individual in an admixed population. I am aware of an approach used in vonHoldt et al., 2022 (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abn7731), but they use total genome length in cM, which is not available
allele-frequencies coming from Hartl and Clark (2007), and the allele-counts method by Karlsson et al. (2007). Would anyone be able to tell me what are pro's and con's from experience of one method versus the other? Adrian
updated 3.2 years ago • Adrian Pelin
I am following the paper [Lieberman-Aiden,van Berkum et al., 2009][1]. in this paper figure number 4 shows fractal and equilibrium globule structure which related with chromatin...I am following the paper [Lieberman-Aiden,van Berkum et al., 2009][1]. in this paper figure number 4 shows fractal and equilibrium globule structure which related with chromatin structure
updated 3.3 years ago • Raghav
to find significantly expressed genes from these data using z-score as in the article by [\[Hart et al\]][1] but my data is not normally distributed. I was wondering if there is another method to find the active / significantly
updated 4.6 years ago • jabbari.parnian
Hi there!!! While reading to an article (*Chatelier et. al., 2013*) related to metagenomics, I have come accross two terminologies: `Gene count` and `Gene richness`. Are they same? They...Hi there!!! While reading to an article (*Chatelier et. al., 2013*) related to metagenomics, I have come accross two terminologies: `Gene count` and `Gene richness`. Are they same? They have
updated 4.5 years ago • dpc
Hello, I have downloaded the processed data of gene expression of a scRNA-Seq experiment (Tirosh et al, 2016). In their supplementary data they have listed marker genes for each cell type. But when I search these markers in...Hello, I have downloaded the processed data of gene expression of a scRNA-Seq experiment (Tirosh et al, 2016). In their supplementary data they have listed marker genes fo…
updated 4.7 years ago • jabbari.parnian
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